Caladh Nua - Happy Days


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Music and Song from Ireland from new young band


Tracks include: - The Windmill Set, Craigie Hills, The Lisnagun Set, The Banks of the Lee, and more

Founded early in 2009, like many of the great Irish traditional bands Caladh Nua simply formed as a result of great musicians crossing paths, realising a special connection and then wanting to share it with the world audience. The ensemble comprises of five musicians from three beautiful regions in Ireland, counties Carlow, Waterford and Kilkenny. The tasteful musical arrangements of Caladh Nua include traditional Irish dance music and traditional songs alongside some more recently composed pieces giving a perfect balance between innovation and preservation of Ireland

  • Model:CN001
Manufacturer Info
Kieron Means - Run Mountain
Kieron Means - Run Mountain

This is a test review. I'm a bit too close to this to say wi...
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