What's In My Cart?

  Product Stock Qty Price
Caladh Nua - Happy DaysCaladh Nua - Happy Days
Adam Sutherland - SquallAdam Sutherland - Squall
Hamish Napier - The RiverHamish Napier - The River
The Living Tradition magazine - Issue 68The Living Tradition magazine - Issue 68
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 123The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 123
Steve Turner - Spirit of the GameSteve Turner - Spirit of the Game
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 140The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 140
e2K - If Not Nowe2K - If Not Now
Blazin' Fiddles - The Old StyleBlazin' Fiddles - The Old Style
Fay Hield - WracklineFay Hield - Wrackline
Alasdair White - An Clar GealAlasdair White - An Clar Geal
Bryony Griffith & Will Hampson - Lady DiamondBryony Griffith & Will Hampson - Lady Diamond
MacColl, Seeger, Charles Parker. - The Fight GameMacColl, Seeger, Charles Parker. - The Fight Game
MacColl, Seeger, Charles Parker. - On the EdgeMacColl, Seeger, Charles Parker. - On the Edge
Eliza Carthy - RedEliza Carthy - Red
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight - Once in a Blue MoonLal Waterson & Oliver Knight - Once in a Blue Moon
Dick Gaughan - GaughanDick Gaughan - Gaughan
Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas - Highlander's FarewellAlasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas - Highlander's Farewell
Blue Murder - No One Stands AloneBlue Murder - No One Stands Alone
Borders Young Fiddles - Borders Young FiddlesBorders Young Fiddles - Borders Young Fiddles
Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham - Another Musical Interlude DVDAly Bain and Phil Cunningham - Another Musical Interlude DVD
Adam Sutherland - Some Other LandAdam Sutherland - Some Other Land
Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham - PortraitAly Bain & Phil Cunningham - Portrait
Ewan MacColl - The Real MacCollEwan MacColl - The Real MacColl
Archie McAllister - Fiddlers RockArchie McAllister - Fiddlers Rock
Alistair McCulloch - Highly StrungAlistair McCulloch - Highly Strung
John Tams - The ReckoningJohn Tams - The Reckoning
Eliza Carthy - RiceEliza Carthy - Rice
Blazin' Fiddles - The KeyBlazin' Fiddles - The Key
Bob Fox - The BlastBob Fox - The Blast
Thomas McCarthy - Herself And MyselfThomas McCarthy - Herself And Myself
Rag Foundation - MinkaRag Foundation - Minka
Nick Hennessey - Pebble & BoneNick Hennessey - Pebble & Bone
Rock, Salt & Nails - BoxedRock, Salt & Nails - Boxed
Steeleye Span - They Called Her BabylonSteeleye Span - They Called Her Babylon
Brendan Mulholland, Brendan Hendry and Paul McSherry - Tuned UpBrendan Mulholland, Brendan Hendry and Paul McSherry - Tuned Up
Lorcan Mac Mathuna - Visionaries 1916Lorcan Mac Mathuna - Visionaries 1916
Christina Smith & Jane Hewson - Like DucksChristina Smith & Jane Hewson - Like Ducks
Josie Nugent - Modal CitizenJosie Nugent - Modal Citizen
Claire Hastings - Between River And RailwayClaire Hastings - Between River And Railway
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 145The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 145
Bill Whaley & Dave Fletcher - Less SprightlyBill Whaley & Dave Fletcher - Less Sprightly
Doris Rougvie - My Joy of YouDoris Rougvie - My Joy of You
Blackbeard's Tea Party - ReprobatesBlackbeard's Tea Party - Reprobates
Alan Bell - In My HomelandAlan Bell - In My Homeland
Roy Clinging - An Honest Working ManRoy Clinging - An Honest Working Man
Dave Swarbrick & Alistair Hulett - Saturday Johnny & Jimmy the RDave Swarbrick & Alistair Hulett - Saturday Johnny & Jimmy the R
Rachel Newton - To The AweRachel Newton - To The Awe
Maeve MacKinnon - Don't Sing Love SongsMaeve MacKinnon - Don't Sing Love Songs
Dougie MacLean - RiofDougie MacLean - Riof
Martin Simpson - The Bramble BriarMartin Simpson - The Bramble Briar
Alison Kinnaird - The Silver StringAlison Kinnaird - The Silver String
Various - Around the Hills of ClareVarious - Around the Hills of Clare
Alan Reid - RecollectionAlan Reid - Recollection
Hamish Henderson Tribute Vol 2 - Battle Of The BanffiesHamish Henderson Tribute Vol 2 - Battle Of The Banffies
Flora MacNeil - Orain FloraFlora MacNeil - Orain Flora
Brian McNeill - No SilenceBrian McNeill - No Silence
Dick Gaughan - Sail OnDick Gaughan - Sail On
Finlay MacNeill - Fonn is ForhanFinlay MacNeill - Fonn is Forhan
Jack Sharp - Good Times OlderJack Sharp - Good Times Older
Battlefield Band - Line-UpBattlefield Band - Line-Up
Penny Lang - Gather HoneyPenny Lang - Gather Honey

Sub-Total: £671.00

Kieron Means - Run Mountain
Kieron Means - Run Mountain

This is a test review. I'm a bit too close to this to say wi...
1 x Caladh Nua - Happy Days1 x Adam Sutherland - Squall1 x Hamish Napier - The River1 x The Living Tradition magazine - Issue 681 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1231 x Steve Turner - Spirit of the Game1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1401 x e2K - If Not Now1 x Blazin' Fiddles - The Old Style2 x Fay Hield - Wrackline2 x Alasdair White - An Clar Geal1 x Bryony Griffith & Will Hampson - Lady Diamond1 x MacColl, Seeger, Charles Parker. - The Fight Game1 x MacColl, Seeger, Charles Parker. - On the Edge1 x Eliza Carthy - Red1 x Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight - Once in a Blue Moon1 x Dick Gaughan - Gaughan1 x Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas - Highlander's Farewell1 x Blue Murder - No One Stands Alone1 x Borders Young Fiddles - Borders Young Fiddles1 x Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham - Another Musical Interlude DVD1 x Adam Sutherland - Some Other Land1 x Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham - Portrait1 x Ewan MacColl - The Real MacColl1 x Archie McAllister - Fiddlers Rock1 x Alistair McCulloch - Highly Strung1 x John Tams - The Reckoning1 x Eliza Carthy - Rice1 x Blazin' Fiddles - The Key1 x Bob Fox - The Blast1 x Thomas McCarthy - Herself And Myself1 x Rag Foundation - Minka1 x Nick Hennessey - Pebble & Bone1 x Rock, Salt & Nails - Boxed1 x Steeleye Span - They Called Her Babylon1 x Brendan Mulholland, Brendan Hendry and Paul McSherry - Tuned Up1 x Lorcan Mac Mathuna - Visionaries 19161 x Christina Smith & Jane Hewson - Like Ducks1 x Josie Nugent - Modal Citizen1 x Claire Hastings - Between River And Railway1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1451 x Bill Whaley & Dave Fletcher - Less Sprightly1 x Doris Rougvie - My Joy of You1 x Blackbeard's Tea Party - Reprobates1 x Alan Bell - In My Homeland1 x Roy Clinging - An Honest Working Man1 x Dave Swarbrick & Alistair Hulett - Saturday Johnny & Jimmy the R1 x Rachel Newton - To The Awe1 x Maeve MacKinnon - Don't Sing Love Songs1 x Dougie MacLean - Riof1 x Martin Simpson - The Bramble Briar1 x Alison Kinnaird - The Silver String1 x Various - Around the Hills of Clare1 x Alan Reid - Recollection1 x Hamish Henderson Tribute Vol 2 - Battle Of The Banffies1 x Flora MacNeil - Orain Flora1 x Brian McNeill - No Silence1 x Dick Gaughan - Sail On1 x Finlay MacNeill - Fonn is Forhan1 x Jack Sharp - Good Times Older1 x Battlefield Band - Line-Up1 x Penny Lang - Gather Honey