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Brendan Hendry, Paul McSherry & Nodlaig Brolly - StringtonesBrendan Hendry, Paul McSherry & Nodlaig Brolly - Stringtones
The Living Tradition magazine - Issue 68The Living Tradition magazine - Issue 68
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 140The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 140
Bill Whaley & Dave Fletcher - Less SprightlyBill Whaley & Dave Fletcher - Less Sprightly
Alison McMorland & Geordie McIntyre - Rowan in the RockAlison McMorland & Geordie McIntyre - Rowan in the Rock
Folk Legacy – Historic live recordings from our archivesFolk Legacy – Historic live recordings from our archives
Eilidh Shaw & Ross Martin - Birl-esqueEilidh Shaw & Ross Martin - Birl-esque
2 Duos - Until the cows come home2 Duos - Until the cows come home
Old Blind Dogs - Fit?Old Blind Dogs - Fit?
SUNK! Irvine built ships lost in warSUNK! Irvine built ships lost in war
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 142The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 142
That Boy! Growing up in Irvine, 1941-1967That Boy! Growing up in Irvine, 1941-1967
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 129The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 129
The Ramblings of an Old CodgerThe Ramblings of an Old Codger
Tom Spiers - Allan WaterTom Spiers - Allan Water
Various Artists - Folk Legacy: Live Recordings From Girvan FolkVarious Artists - Folk Legacy: Live Recordings From Girvan Folk
Can’t Do This On My Own - by Alistair RussellCan’t Do This On My Own - by Alistair Russell
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 141The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 141
Ellen Mitchell - On Yonder LeaEllen Mitchell - On Yonder Lea
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 143The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 143
Corinne Male - To Tell The Story TrulyCorinne Male - To Tell The Story Truly
Christy Leahy & Caoimhin Vallely - Christy Leahy Caoimhin VallelChristy Leahy & Caoimhin Vallely - Christy Leahy Caoimhin Vallel
Claire Hastings - Between River And RailwayClaire Hastings - Between River And Railway
Brendan Mulholland, Brendan Hendry and Paul McSherry - Tuned UpBrendan Mulholland, Brendan Hendry and Paul McSherry - Tuned Up
Blackbeard's Tea Party - ReprobatesBlackbeard's Tea Party - Reprobates
Barbara Dymock - Leaf An' ThornBarbara Dymock - Leaf An' Thorn
Adam Sutherland - SquallAdam Sutherland - Squall
Coope Boyes & Simpson - As IfCoope Boyes & Simpson - As If
Alan Reid & Rob Van Sante - The Rise And Fall O' CharlieAlan Reid & Rob Van Sante - The Rise And Fall O' Charlie
Caladh Nua - Happy DaysCaladh Nua - Happy Days
Bob Wood - When the Moon Sits Fat on a Scudding CloudBob Wood - When the Moon Sits Fat on a Scudding Cloud
Danny Diamond - Fiddle MusicDanny Diamond - Fiddle Music
Adam McCulloch - In These TimesAdam McCulloch - In These Times
Adrian McAuliffe & Cathal Flood - Between The StringsAdrian McAuliffe & Cathal Flood - Between The Strings
Alastair Savage - Alone With HistoryAlastair Savage - Alone With History
Dave Swarbrick & Alistair Hulett - Saturday Johnny & Jimmy the RDave Swarbrick & Alistair Hulett - Saturday Johnny & Jimmy the R
Rowan Rheingans - The Lines We Draw TogetherRowan Rheingans - The Lines We Draw Together
The Tulla Ceilidh Band - A Celebration of 50 YearsThe Tulla Ceilidh Band - A Celebration of 50 Years
Skerryvore - Live Across ScotlandSkerryvore - Live Across Scotland
Dick Gaughan - The Harvard TapesDick Gaughan - The Harvard Tapes
Brian McNeill - No SilenceBrian McNeill - No Silence
Tony McManus & Julia Toaspern - Live In ConcertTony McManus & Julia Toaspern - Live In Concert
Mick Ryan & Various Artists - Here At The FairMick Ryan & Various Artists - Here At The Fair
Slim Panatella & The Mellow VirginiansSlim Panatella & The Mellow Virginians
Jim Mackillop - The Road from BallybrackJim Mackillop - The Road from Ballybrack
Shetland Dialect - Language of the FiddleShetland Dialect - Language of the Fiddle
The Flying Toads - In StitchesThe Flying Toads - In Stitches
Alan Bell - In My HomelandAlan Bell - In My Homeland
Burgess Adin and Wingard - DoggerlandBurgess Adin and Wingard - Doggerland
40 years of Warwick Folk Festival40 years of Warwick Folk Festival

Sub-Total: £583.99

Kieron Means - Run Mountain
Kieron Means - Run Mountain

This is a test review. I'm a bit too close to this to say wi...
2 x Brendan Hendry, Paul McSherry & Nodlaig Brolly - Stringtones2 x The Living Tradition magazine - Issue 682 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1401 x Bill Whaley & Dave Fletcher - Less Sprightly1 x Alison McMorland & Geordie McIntyre - Rowan in the Rock1 x Folk Legacy – Historic live recordings from our archives1 x Eilidh Shaw & Ross Martin - Birl-esque1 x 2 Duos - Until the cows come home1 x Old Blind Dogs - Fit?1 x SUNK! Irvine built ships lost in war1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1421 x That Boy! Growing up in Irvine, 1941-19671 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1291 x The Ramblings of an Old Codger1 x Tom Spiers - Allan Water1 x Various Artists - Folk Legacy: Live Recordings From Girvan Folk1 x Can’t Do This On My Own - by Alistair Russell1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1411 x Ellen Mitchell - On Yonder Lea1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1431 x Corinne Male - To Tell The Story Truly1 x Christy Leahy & Caoimhin Vallely - Christy Leahy Caoimhin Vallel1 x Claire Hastings - Between River And Railway1 x Brendan Mulholland, Brendan Hendry and Paul McSherry - Tuned Up1 x Blackbeard's Tea Party - Reprobates1 x Barbara Dymock - Leaf An' Thorn1 x Adam Sutherland - Squall1 x Coope Boyes & Simpson - As If1 x Alan Reid & Rob Van Sante - The Rise And Fall O' Charlie1 x Caladh Nua - Happy Days2 x Bob Wood - When the Moon Sits Fat on a Scudding Cloud2 x Danny Diamond - Fiddle Music1 x Adam McCulloch - In These Times1 x Adrian McAuliffe & Cathal Flood - Between The Strings1 x Alastair Savage - Alone With History1 x Dave Swarbrick & Alistair Hulett - Saturday Johnny & Jimmy the R1 x Rowan Rheingans - The Lines We Draw Together1 x The Tulla Ceilidh Band - A Celebration of 50 Years1 x Skerryvore - Live Across Scotland1 x Dick Gaughan - The Harvard Tapes1 x Brian McNeill - No Silence1 x Tony McManus & Julia Toaspern - Live In Concert1 x Mick Ryan & Various Artists - Here At The Fair1 x Slim Panatella & The Mellow Virginians1 x Jim Mackillop - The Road from Ballybrack1 x Shetland Dialect - Language of the Fiddle1 x The Flying Toads - In Stitches1 x Alan Bell - In My Homeland1 x Burgess Adin and Wingard - Doggerland1 x 40 years of Warwick Folk Festival