What's In My Cart?

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Mainly TroubadourMainly Troubadour
Peter & Barbara Snape - SnapenotesPeter & Barbara Snape - Snapenotes
Martin Tourish - Under A Red Sky NightMartin Tourish - Under A Red Sky Night
Danny Diamond - Fiddle MusicDanny Diamond - Fiddle Music
Cillian Vallely - The Raven's RockCillian Vallely - The Raven's Rock
50 Years of the Marymass Folk Festival50 Years of the Marymass Folk Festival
Tom Spiers - Allan WaterTom Spiers - Allan Water
Diarmaid & Donncha Moynihan - The Lights Of RanzanicoDiarmaid & Donncha Moynihan - The Lights Of Ranzanico
The Living Tradition magazine - Issue 75The Living Tradition magazine - Issue 75
Gill Bowman & Song Circle - The Red AlbumGill Bowman & Song Circle - The Red Album
Jane Cassidy - SilverbridgeJane Cassidy - Silverbridge
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 134The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 134
Claire Hastings - Between River And RailwayClaire Hastings - Between River And Railway
Pete Coe - Tall TailesPete Coe - Tall Tailes
Hilary James & Simon Mayor - Children's FavouritesHilary James & Simon Mayor - Children's Favourites
Alison McMorland - Cloudberry DayAlison McMorland - Cloudberry Day
That Boy! Growing up in Irvine, 1941-1967That Boy! Growing up in Irvine, 1941-1967
Michael Sheehy - The Cat's RamblesMichael Sheehy - The Cat's Rambles
Danny Diamond - Elbow RoomDanny Diamond - Elbow Room
Conor Caldwell & Danny Diamond - NorthConor Caldwell & Danny Diamond - North
Niamh Ni Charra - From Both SidesNiamh Ni Charra - From Both Sides
Luke Daniels - The Mighty BoxLuke Daniels - The Mighty Box
Josie Nugent - Modal CitizenJosie Nugent - Modal Citizen
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 104The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 104
John McSherry - The Seven SunsJohn McSherry - The Seven Suns
Can’t Do This On My Own - by Alistair RussellCan’t Do This On My Own - by Alistair Russell
The Bonny Men - Moyne RoadThe Bonny Men - Moyne Road
Liam Kelly & Philip Duffy - Sets In StoneLiam Kelly & Philip Duffy - Sets In Stone
Duncan Wood & Cathal McConnell - Auld Springs Gies Nae PriceDuncan Wood & Cathal McConnell - Auld Springs Gies Nae Price
Niamh Ni Charra - Sugach Samh / Happy OutNiamh Ni Charra - Sugach Samh / Happy Out
Fiana Ni Chonaill - Dathanna An CheoilFiana Ni Chonaill - Dathanna An Cheoil
40 years of Warwick Folk Festival40 years of Warwick Folk Festival
Christy Leahy & Caoimhin Vallely - Christy Leahy Caoimhin VallelChristy Leahy & Caoimhin Vallely - Christy Leahy Caoimhin Vallel
SUNK! Irvine built ships lost in warSUNK! Irvine built ships lost in war
Micho Russell - Rarities And Old FavoritesMicho Russell - Rarities And Old Favorites
Heather Heywood - Lassies Fair & Laddies BrawHeather Heywood - Lassies Fair & Laddies Braw
Rowan Piggott - MountscribeRowan Piggott - Mountscribe
Skerryvore - EVOSkerryvore - EVO
Roger Pugh - A Colourful JourneyRoger Pugh - A Colourful Journey
The Drystones - ApparitionsThe Drystones - Apparitions
Sineag MacIntyre - Lon BanSineag MacIntyre - Lon Ban
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 124The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 124
Peter & Barbara Snape - All In The SongPeter & Barbara Snape - All In The Song
Rosie Hodgson - Rise AuroraRosie Hodgson - Rise Aurora
Phantom Voices - Peace By PeacePhantom Voices - Peace By Peace
Beinn Lee - OsgarraBeinn Lee - Osgarra
Rachel Newton - WestRachel Newton - West
Iain Thomson & Marc Duff - No BordersIain Thomson & Marc Duff - No Borders
Becky Dellow, Jeff Gillett, John Davies - Mischief AfootBecky Dellow, Jeff Gillett, John Davies - Mischief Afoot
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 130The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 130
Martin Simpson - Prodigal Son (Deluxe Edition)Martin Simpson - Prodigal Son (Deluxe Edition)
Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man's Band - Away To TintinaraMartyn Wyndham-Read & No Man's Band - Away To Tintinara
Hector Gilchrist - GleaningsHector Gilchrist - Gleanings
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 127The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 127
Joshua Burnell - The Road To Horn FairJoshua Burnell - The Road To Horn Fair
Solasta - A Cure For The CuriousSolasta - A Cure For The Curious
Grace Notes - Northern TideGrace Notes - Northern Tide
Adam Sutherland - Some Other LandAdam Sutherland - Some Other Land
Belinda Kempster & Fran Foote - On Clay HillBelinda Kempster & Fran Foote - On Clay Hill
John Loomes - Fearful SymmetryJohn Loomes - Fearful Symmetry
Various Artists - SonghiveVarious Artists - Songhive
Davy Graham - Midnight ManDavy Graham - Midnight Man
The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 126The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 126
Mick Ryan & Various Artists - Here At The FairMick Ryan & Various Artists - Here At The Fair
Steve Turner - Spirit of the GameSteve Turner - Spirit of the Game
Steve Turner - Late CutSteve Turner - Late Cut
Tommy Mellet & Neansai Ni Choisdealbha - An TowerTommy Mellet & Neansai Ni Choisdealbha - An Tower
Gilmore & Roberts - A Problem Of Our KindGilmore & Roberts - A Problem Of Our Kind
Hamish Henderson Tribute Vol 2 - Battle Of The BanffiesHamish Henderson Tribute Vol 2 - Battle Of The Banffies
Fiona Ross with Tony McManus - Clyde's WaterFiona Ross with Tony McManus - Clyde's Water
Various Artists - Border SangstersVarious Artists - Border Sangsters
MacColl, Seeger, Charles Parker. - On the EdgeMacColl, Seeger, Charles Parker. - On the Edge
Eric Bogle - The Source Of LightEric Bogle - The Source Of Light
Chris Foster - JewelsChris Foster - Jewels
Various Artists - My True Love He Dwells On The MountainVarious Artists - My True Love He Dwells On The Mountain
Various Artists - I Thought I Was The Only OneVarious Artists - I Thought I Was The Only One
Maureen Jelks - Eence Upon a TimeMaureen Jelks - Eence Upon a Time
Jack Beck - Half Ower, Half Ower tae AberdourJack Beck - Half Ower, Half Ower tae Aberdour
Malinky - HandselMalinky - Handsel
William Matheson - Scottish Tradition 16 Gaelic Bards andWilliam Matheson - Scottish Tradition 16 Gaelic Bards and

Sub-Total: £1,020.99

Kieron Means - Run Mountain
Kieron Means - Run Mountain

This is a test review. I'm a bit too close to this to say wi...
3 x Mainly Troubadour1 x Peter & Barbara Snape - Snapenotes1 x Martin Tourish - Under A Red Sky Night1 x Danny Diamond - Fiddle Music1 x Cillian Vallely - The Raven's Rock2 x 50 Years of the Marymass Folk Festival1 x Tom Spiers - Allan Water1 x Diarmaid & Donncha Moynihan - The Lights Of Ranzanico1 x The Living Tradition magazine - Issue 751 x Gill Bowman & Song Circle - The Red Album1 x Jane Cassidy - Silverbridge2 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1341 x Claire Hastings - Between River And Railway1 x Pete Coe - Tall Tailes1 x Hilary James & Simon Mayor - Children's Favourites1 x Alison McMorland - Cloudberry Day1 x That Boy! Growing up in Irvine, 1941-19671 x Michael Sheehy - The Cat's Rambles1 x Danny Diamond - Elbow Room1 x Conor Caldwell & Danny Diamond - North1 x Niamh Ni Charra - From Both Sides1 x Luke Daniels - The Mighty Box1 x Josie Nugent - Modal Citizen1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1041 x John McSherry - The Seven Suns1 x Can’t Do This On My Own - by Alistair Russell1 x The Bonny Men - Moyne Road1 x Liam Kelly & Philip Duffy - Sets In Stone1 x Duncan Wood & Cathal McConnell - Auld Springs Gies Nae Price1 x Niamh Ni Charra - Sugach Samh / Happy Out1 x Fiana Ni Chonaill - Dathanna An Cheoil1 x 40 years of Warwick Folk Festival1 x Christy Leahy & Caoimhin Vallely - Christy Leahy Caoimhin Vallel1 x SUNK! Irvine built ships lost in war1 x Micho Russell - Rarities And Old Favorites3 x Heather Heywood - Lassies Fair & Laddies Braw1 x Rowan Piggott - Mountscribe1 x Skerryvore - EVO1 x Roger Pugh - A Colourful Journey1 x The Drystones - Apparitions1 x Sineag MacIntyre - Lon Ban1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1241 x Peter & Barbara Snape - All In The Song1 x Rosie Hodgson - Rise Aurora1 x Phantom Voices - Peace By Peace1 x Beinn Lee - Osgarra1 x Rachel Newton - West1 x Iain Thomson & Marc Duff - No Borders1 x Becky Dellow, Jeff Gillett, John Davies - Mischief Afoot1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1301 x Martin Simpson - Prodigal Son (Deluxe Edition)1 x Martyn Wyndham-Read & No Man's Band - Away To Tintinara1 x Hector Gilchrist - Gleanings1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1271 x Joshua Burnell - The Road To Horn Fair1 x Solasta - A Cure For The Curious1 x Grace Notes - Northern Tide1 x Adam Sutherland - Some Other Land1 x Belinda Kempster & Fran Foote - On Clay Hill1 x John Loomes - Fearful Symmetry1 x Various Artists - Songhive1 x Davy Graham - Midnight Man1 x The Living Tradition Magazine - Issue 1261 x Mick Ryan & Various Artists - Here At The Fair1 x Steve Turner - Spirit of the Game1 x Steve Turner - Late Cut1 x Tommy Mellet & Neansai Ni Choisdealbha - An Tower1 x Gilmore & Roberts - A Problem Of Our Kind2 x Hamish Henderson Tribute Vol 2 - Battle Of The Banffies1 x Fiona Ross with Tony McManus - Clyde's Water1 x Various Artists - Border Sangsters1 x MacColl, Seeger, Charles Parker. - On the Edge2 x Eric Bogle - The Source Of Light1 x Chris Foster - Jewels2 x Various Artists - My True Love He Dwells On The Mountain1 x Various Artists - I Thought I Was The Only One1 x Maureen Jelks - Eence Upon a Time1 x Jack Beck - Half Ower, Half Ower tae Aberdour1 x Malinky - Handsel1 x William Matheson - Scottish Tradition 16 Gaelic Bards and