Shipping & Returns

Cancellation, Refund and Return Policy: CDs and other products: We will exchange products for any reasonable reason within 14 days of receipt. You have the right to cancel all or part of your order at any time before it is dispatched by us, for a full refund of your original payment. Please just let us know by email or telephone. If your order has already been dispatched, you may return any unwanted item(s) to us within 7 days of receipt. In this case we can refund your original item price, but not any associated international outbound or return postage charges. Faulty items will be checked after return, so please include a detailed description of any fault as we must be able to confirm specific faults. You will be refunded for your return postage costs if a fault is confirmed, and a replacement sent wherever possible. Any refund will occur within 7 days of order cancellation or receipt of returned items, using the payment method that was originally used to complete the transaction. Return Procedure: Please use only First/Second Class (UK) or Standard / Economy Airmail (international) for items returned to us for any reason. We do not offer compensation for the higher cost of other carriage services. To ensure safe transit, item(s) should be wrapped in the original delivery package, or one of equivalent or better quality. RETURN ADDRESS: The Tradition Bearers, 16 Annandale Gardens, Crosshouse, KILMARNOCK, KA2 0LE, Ayrshire, Scotland. These policies do not affect your statutory rights.
Kieron Means - Run Mountain
Kieron Means - Run Mountain

This is a test review. I'm a bit too close to this to say wi...